There is no arguing the sensitivity of the role of an Accountant Adelaide in the healthy growth of a small
business. In fact, the choice of an accountant will be one of the most important decisions an any small
business owner can make. It is synonymous with choosing a business partner. A right accountant will
be one that you can depend on and get relevant advice from. A good accountant can save you time,
money and help your business grow fast. A bad accountant, on the other hand, will cost you money
and do damages to your business. With so many options to choose from, it can be quite daunting to
find the right accountant. Below is a guide to what business owners need to know when choosing their
1. Location does not always matter:
Back in the days, it was very important to choose an accountant located nearby. But the digital age has
changed things tremendously allowing businesses to collaborate online. A location has, therefore,
become less of an issue. Cloud-based accounting allows you and your accountant to view the same
data in real time, regardless of distance.
This does not mean that hiring an accountant nearby is a bad thing. If you prefer a face-to-face contact.
And you need an accountant who will go with you to meetings, then you should choose one close by.
The most important deciding factor is to find an accountant that suits your business.
2. Certification is very important:
Certification is very important for small business owners who wish to grow their businesses to enviable
heights. This is another important element of what business owners need to know when choosing their
accountant. Several countries have professional bodies that regulate the activities of accountants to
maintain high professional standards. These professional accountants are called Chartered
Accountants or Certified Public Accountants. Professional accountants have greater experience and
knowledge and can contribute immensely to your business.
Of course, it is possible to hire an accountant that is not chartered or certified, but you will need one
when your business grows to the point of applying for a loan.
3. Company’s relevant expertise in Accountant Adelaide:
Another important element of what business owners need to know when choosing their accountant is
the company's expertise. You should know if the accountant has experience in preparing a tax return
and other financial documents for businesses of similar size. Also, if your business relies on a cloud-
based technology, then you should find an accountant savvy with cloud computing.
An accountant that has worked with other businesses in your niche will understand the specific needs
of your business.
4. Your network can be the breakthrough:
One of the best places to begin the search for an accountant is right on your own network. You can
start by asking friends and families for recommendations. But you must bear in mind the difference in
specialization. The accountant apt for your best friend’s PR business may not be the best for your
production business.